
Romantic Song, For Oboe And Piano 雙簧管 鋼琴

$730TWD - $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD

法國作曲家羅伯特-普朗內爾(1908-1994 年)是作曲家、蒙特利馬音樂學校創始人阿爾方斯-普朗內爾的兒子。小普朗內爾是一位成就非凡的音樂家,這在他的雙簧管與鋼琴作品《浪漫曲》中得到了體現。 浪漫曲》發表於 1954 年,是為中級雙簧管演奏家創作的一首美妙的連奏曲。這首曲子通過富有表現力的旋律、緩慢的節奏、節奏的變化、低音域的運用以及對比鮮明的 6/8 樂節,反映了曲名的內涵。普朗內爾的《浪漫曲》是雙簧管曲目中令人興奮的新曲目,有抱負的雙簧管演奏家不可錯過"

作曲家: Robert Planel
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Romantic Suite - Sentimental Waltz

“French composer, Robert Planel (1908-1994) was the son of composer and founder of the Music School of Montelimar, Alphonse Planel. Planel junior was an exceptionally accomplished musician, reflected in his composition Romantic Song for Oboe and Piano. Published in 1954, Romantic Song is a sublime legato piece for intermediate level oboists. The piece reflects its title through use of an expressive melody, slow tempo, variations in rhythm, use of the lower register and a contrasting 6/8 section. Planel's Romantic Song is an exciting addition to the repertoire of the Oboe and cannot be missed by aspiring oboists.”
頁數: 4
重量(g): 51.03
UPC: 888680846701