
Marianische Fantasien I - III op. 87d 胡麥爾.貝托爾德 幻想曲 豎笛獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

胡梅爾為這首四分鐘的幻想曲創作了三個版本:低音號原版以及低音單簧管獨奏版和低音管獨奏版。最有效的版本無疑是巴松管版本,它的音色神秘莫測,就連莫札特也曾用它來表達對未來世界的音樂憧憬。因此,胡梅爾在從 17 世紀到當代、從古老的宗教旋律到 20 世紀音樂之間架起了一座橋樑。瑪利亞幻想曲》難度適中,但充滿了迷人的美感。無論是在音樂廳還是在教堂,它們都會讓觀眾為之傾倒"

作曲家: Hummel, Bertold
樂器: basset horn (or bass clarinet or bassoon) solo
出版社: Schott Music

I Ave Maria - II Salve Regina - III Regina coeli

Hummel wrote three versions of the four-minute fantasias: the original version for basset horn as well as versions for solo bass clarinet and solo bassoon. The most effective version undoubtedly is the version for basset horn with its mystically transfigured sound which even Mozart had used for the musical reference to the world to come.Each of the three fantasias begins with a Gregorian song in praise of the Virgin Mary followed by an elaborate fantasia on this tune. Thus, Hummel bridges the period from the 17th century to the present time, from the old-fashioned religious melody to 20th-century music. 'Marianische Fantasien' are pieces of moderate difficulty, yet full of charming beauty. They will enthuse the audience both in the concert hall and in church.
頁數: 20
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790001144728