
Violin Concerto To the memory of an angel 小提琴協奏曲 總譜 環球版

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1935 年 2 月,美國小提琴家路易士-克拉斯納(Louis Krasner)找到阿爾班-貝爾格,希望他創作一首小提琴協奏曲。雖然不願意停止《露露》的創作,但伯格的經濟狀況使他幾乎不可能拒絕這樣的委託。3月中旬,伯格記下了一些初步構思,並提議利用夏天的時間,在卡林西亞州維爾登附近的這座房子裡創作協奏曲。4 月 22 日,在貝爾格離開維也納前往維爾登的前幾天,發生了一起悲劇,決定了協奏曲的最終形態。阿爾瑪-馬勒和瓦爾特-格羅皮烏斯的女兒曼儂-格羅皮烏斯死於小兒麻痹症。伯格在寫給阿爾瑪-馬勒的信中說,他打算將自己的作品 dem Andenken eines Engels [獻給天使的記憶]獻給曼儂。協奏曲》於 1935 年 5 月至 8 月間在卡林西亞的瓦爾德豪斯寫成。(道格拉斯-賈曼,1996 年)

作曲家: Berg, Alban / Diverse
編者: Jarman, Douglas
樂器: for violin and orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition
In February 1935 Alban Berg was approached by the American violinist Louis Krasner with a request to write a violin concerto. Although reluctant to stop working on Lulu, Berg's financial position made the refusal of such a commission almost impossible. Having jotted down some preliminary ideas for the piece in mid-March, Berg proposed to devote the summer, which he spent at this house near Velden in Carinthia, composing the Concerto. On 22 April, a few days before Berg left Vienna for Velden, a tragedy occurred that would determine the final shape of the Concerto. Manon Gropius, the daughter of Alma Mahler and Walter Gropius, died of poliomyelitis. Berg wrote to Alma Mahler that he intended to dedicate his work dem Andenken eines Engels [to the memory of an angel], in memory of Manon. The Concerto was written at the Waldhaus in Carinthia between May and August 1935. (Douglas Jarman, 1996)

頁數: 0
重量(g): 220
ISMN: 9790008080135
ISBN: 9783702466565
