
Sur le même accord Nocturne for Violin and Orchestra 迪悌耶 夜曲小提琴管弦樂團 總譜 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,750TWD - $1,750TWD
$1,750TWD - $1,750TWD

Sur le même accord》(《關於一個和絃》)正如其副標題所示,是一部夜曲式的作品。雖然是一個樂章,但其中心是兩個富有表現力的樂段,這兩個樂段交替出現,節奏較快。無論是在獨奏部分還是在管弦樂的織體中,整部作品都能聽到一個六音和絃,它或隱蔽,或更明顯地由管弦樂中的獨奏者演奏。作品開始時,獨奏小提琴首先以單音的形式宣佈這六個音,然後是雙音終止;隨後,不同的樂器組將這一材料垂直分佈(以和絃的形式演奏)。這部相對較短的作品是獻給安妮-索菲-穆特的,大約 15 年前,我在保羅-薩謝爾的介紹下認識了她。從那時起,這位令眾多作曲家為之傾倒的偉大藝術家就不斷為自己的曲目增添當代音樂,委託當代作曲家創作許多不同類型的新作品

作曲家: Dutilleux, Henri
樂器: violin and orchestra
出版社: Schott Music
Sur le même accord (about a single chord) is - as the subtitle suggests - a nocturne-like work. Although in one mouvement, at its centre are two expressive sections, which alternate with more rapid writing. The soloist plays a concertante role with the orchestra.In both the solo part and the orchestral texture, a six-note chord can be heard throughout the work, either concealed or more overtly, given to soloists drawn from the orchestra. At the start of the work, the solo violin announces these six pitches, first as a monody, then double-stopped; this material is then distributed vertically (played as a chord) by various instrumental groups. Mirror writing and different orchestral colours transform this chord, but it is omnipresent, an obsession.This relatively short work is dedicated to Anne-Sophie Mutter, to whom I was introduced by Paul Sacher about fifteen years ago. Since then, this great artist, who captivates so many composers, has unceasingly added to her repertoire music of our time by commissioning new works in many genres from contemporary composers.- Henry Dutilleux

頁數: 44
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790001139656
