
Sonata 奏鳴曲 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$930TWD - $930TWD
$930TWD - $930TWD

作曲家兼管風琴演奏家萊因霍爾德-芬克貝納 1929 年出生於斯圖加特。他的作品有 70 多部,其中管風琴作品占絕大部分。這首長笛與鋼琴奏鳴曲創作於 1953 年,由延斯-約瑟夫和恩斯塔-佈雷登巴赫於 2004 年 2 月 18 日在達姆施塔特首次演奏。 長笛演奏家延斯-約瑟夫(Jens Josef)在此版本的序言中寫道: 作曲家通過緊張而複雜的配器工作,使奏鳴曲給人一種不斷變化的感覺,並通過節奏重音的微妙變化,讓旋律主題和動機不斷閃現,從而使其歷久彌新。 儘管音樂的質地非常稠密複雜,但奏鳴曲的音色始終非常通透,也非常符合長笛的創作習慣。......長笛優雅、精湛的技藝和流暢的音色等古典特質都得到了充分的發揮,但它們在這裡又與複雜的音樂紋理和獨特的幽默感相得益彰。毫無疑問,這種混合是這部作品中非常特殊、非常獨特的品質"

作曲家: Finkbeiner, Reinhold
校訂者: Breidenbach, Ernst
樂器: flute and piano (or Hammerpiano)
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
The Composer and Organist Reinhold Finkbeiner was born 1929 in Stuttgart. His catalogue of works contains more than 70 compositions, whereof the works for organ make out the biggest part. The sonata for flute and piano was already written 1953 and was first performed by Jens Josef and Ernsta Breidenbach on 18th February 2004 in Darmstadt. The flutist Jens Josef writes in the preface of this edition: Through the intense and intricate contrapuntal work, which lends the Sonata the feeling of constant flux, the composer is able to allow his melodic themes and motives to continually shine through by using often quite subtle changes of rhythmic accent, thus keeping them ever new and fresh. Despite the very dense and complex texture of the music, the Sonata is always very transparent in timbre and also very idiomatically written for the flute. ... The classical qualities of the flute – grace, virtuosity and a smooth sound – are all given ample space, but they are here confronted with a complex musical texture and quite a unique sense of humor. This mixture is without question a very special and very individual quality in this work.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 32
重量(g): 0
ISMN: 9790010353302
