
Sonata in F Major First Edition 施雷克爾 奏鳴曲 大調 小提琴加鋼琴 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

當施雷克的舞臺作品在上世紀 10 年代和 20 年代獲得巨大成功時,他的作曲起點還默默無聞。這首小提琴奏鳴曲創作於 1898 年,當時他還在維也納音樂學院就讀,隨著這首作品的首次出版,他早期創作階段的代表作首次面世。施雷克創作這首技術要求極高的三樂章奏鳴曲的初衷,是為了在跟隨阿諾德-羅塞學習小提琴時親自演奏。這首曲子是按照勃拉姆斯和德沃夏克的晚期浪漫主義傳統創作的,而施雷克的作曲老師羅伯特-福克斯(Robert Fuchs)也致力於這個時代。雖然施雷克尊重室內樂創作的普遍形式慣例,但這位未來的魔音大師在每一小節中都勾勒出了優雅的旋律發明和獨特的和聲精緻"

作曲家: Schreker, Franz
編者: Harders-Wuthenow, Frank
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Bote & Bock
Schreker's compositional beginnings were still unknown when his stage works met with great success in the 1910s and 1920s. With this first publication of his violin sonata, written in 1898 in his student days at the Vienna conservatory, his early creative phase is made accessible in a representative work for the first time. Schreker composed the technically demanding three-movement sonata with the intention of performing it himself when he was studying violin with Arnold Rosé. The piece was written in the late Romantic tradition of Brahms and Dvorák, an era Schreker's composition teacher Robert Fuchs was committed to. Although Schreker respects the prevailing formal conventions of chamber music compositions, the elegance of melodic invention and a distinctive harmonic refinement is outlined by the future master of magical sounds in every bar.

頁數: 46
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790202518762
