
Mazurka de Salon op. 16 多普勒.阿伯特‧弗朗茲 馬祖卡 長笛加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$580TWD - $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD

阿爾伯特-弗朗茨-多普勒(1821-1883 年)與其弟卡爾(1825-1900 年)是 19 世紀最著名的長笛演奏家之一。1842 年,兄弟倆成為維也納愛樂樂團的創始成員。弗朗茨-多普勒曾在布加勒斯特歌劇院(1835 年)和匈牙利國家劇院管弦樂團(1841 年)擔任過一段時間的首席長笛手,之後他決定返回維也納,在宮廷歌劇院擔任首席長笛手和指揮,並于 1865 年被任命為音樂學院教授。1881 年,他被德皇授予弗朗茨-約瑟夫獎章,1883 年在維也納附近的巴登去世

作曲家: Doppler, Albert Franz
編者: Albrecht, Stefan
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Schott Music
This Mazurka de Salon for flute and piano with its delightful elegiac and virtuoso passages is a character piece full of contrasts; moderate in difficulty, it represents a valuable addition to the repertoire for ambitious amateur players.Along with his younger brother Carl (1825–1900), Albert Franz Doppler (1821–1883) was one of the most celebrated flautists of the nineteenth Century. Their virtuoso duo playing was greatly admired and they captivated audiences in the musical capitals of Europe with works they had composed themselves.In 1842 the brothers were founder members of the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra. After spending some time as principal flautist at the Bucharest Opera (1835) and in the orchestra of the Hungarian National Theatre (1841), Franz Doppler decided to return to Vienna, where he worked as principal flautist and conductor at the Court opera and was appointed professor at the Conservatoire in 1865. Awarded the Franz-Joseph medal by the Kaiser in 1881, he died in Baden near Vienna in 1883.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790001199032
UPC: 841886022249
