
Humming Birds op. 210 Shortest Easy Pieces 小品 長笛加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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埃米爾-克倫克(Emil Kronke,1865-1938 年)是德國晚期浪漫主義時期的作曲家,直到今天才被人們所遺忘。作為一名鋼琴家和鋼琴教師,他主要為自己的主要樂器創作作品。此外,他還創作了多部長笛作品,這些作品回顧了他的故鄉德累斯頓豐富的傳統,也是他多年的活動範圍。除了技藝精湛的沙龍音樂,他還創作了一些較為簡單的作品,如 1931 年的 Kolibris 作品 201。這六首動人的微型樂曲配有簡易的鋼琴伴奏,是一些說教式的小品,即使是現在的年輕長笛演奏家也可以用它們來發展自己的技巧和風格。此外,這些樂曲音色優美,不僅能給課堂帶來愉悅的氣氛,也適合學生們參加音樂會和比賽。願科利布利斯在後世繼續飛揚,讓年輕的音樂家們帶著喜悅和想像力演奏。"本版本是新的肖特學生版系列的一部分,該系列為器樂課程提供了從 1 級(簡單)到 5 級(困難)五個不同難度的各種文學作品

作曲家: Kronke, Emil
編者: Bauer, Britta
樂器: Flute and Piano
出版社: Schott Music

Album Leaf - Melancholy - March - Valse lente - Study - Serenata

Emil Kronke (1865-1938), a composer of the German late Romantic era, has unjustly fallen into oblivion until today. As a pianist and piano teacher, he primarily composed works for his principal instrument. In addition, he wrote several works for flute which look back on a rich tradition in Dresden, his adopted home town and sphere of activity for many years. Apart from virtuoso salon music, he also composed easier pieces like Kolibris Op. 201 from 1931.The six appealing miniatures with easy piano accompaniment are little didactic pieces which can be used even by young flutists of today to develop their technique and their style. Furthermore, they sound so beautiful as to certainly bring a good mood into the classroom, yet are also suitable for pupils' concerts and competitions. May the Kolibris continue to fly in the following generations and be played by young musicians with joy and imagination.This edition is part of the new Schott Student Edition series which offers varied literature at five different levels of difficulty, from 1 (easy) to 5 (difficult), for instrumental lessons.
語言: German - English - French
頁數: 24
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790001162562
UPC: 841886028982