
Fantasies 4 pieces for piano 納歐霍夫 幻想曲 小品鋼琴 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD
$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD

版以 "幻想 "為題,介紹了 1996 年至 2013 年的四部作品《拉斯布裡薩斯》、《七姊妹圓舞曲》、《浪漫曲》和《前奏曲-多變》。鋼琴家兼作曲家瑙莫夫旅居美國多年,在布隆明頓印第安那大學音樂學院任教

作曲家: Naoumoff, Emile
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music

I Las Brisas - II Seven Sisters Ballade - III Romance - IV Prélude à Géométrie Variable

Under the title of 'Fantasies', this edition presents the four pieces Las brisas, Seven Sisters Ballade, Romance and Prelude à Géométrie Variable from the years 1996 to 2013.As always with works by Emile Naoumoff, the performer can look forward to demanding technical and creative tasks. Written in a carefully modern language and influenced by the French tradition, the various pieces show the great mastery of the composer.The pianist and composer Naoumoff has been living in America for many years and teaches at the School of Music of the Indiana University in Bloomington.
頁數: 40
重量(g): 180
ISMN: 9790001195256