
Elegy 悲歌 中提琴加鋼琴 博浩版

$580TWD - $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD

該作品創作於 1917 年,由中提琴、絃樂四重奏和安普弦樂團演奏,並于當年在倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳舉行的蒙斯紀念音樂會上首次公演。這部作品是為了紀念法蘭西斯-珀塞爾-沃倫(Francis Purcell Warren),他是作曲家第一次世界大戰期間在皇家音樂學院的同學。他曾是中提琴獎學金獲得者和作曲家,也是年輕音樂家圈子中的一員,包括艾弗-格尼(Ivor Gurney)、尤金-古森斯(Eugene Goossens)、亞瑟-本傑明(Arthur Benjamin)、亞瑟-布利斯(Arthur Bliss)和豪厄爾斯本人,他們都曾是他的同班同學。普賽爾-沃倫在 19141918 年的戰爭中陣亡,這首《挽歌》就是在他死後不久創作的

作曲家: Howells, Herbert
樂器: viola, string quartet and string orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Composed in 1917 for viola, string quartet & string orchestra, and first performed that year at the Mons Memorial Concert at London’s Royal Albert Hall. The work is inscribed to the memory of Francis Purcell Warren, a fellow-student of the composer at the Royal College of Music in the years of the First World War. He was a Viola Scholar, and composer; and also one of the circle of young musicians that included Ivor Gurney, Eugene Goossens, Arthur Benjamin, Arthur Bliss and Howells himself – all fellow-students at one time. Purcell Warren was killed in the 1914–1918 War, and this Elegy was composed soon after his death.Full score and orchestral parts available on hire.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790060130298
ISBN: 9781784541132
