
Der glückliche Prinz op. 28 Ein Märchen mit 21 leichten Klavierstücken 鋼琴小品 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

在奧斯卡-王爾德著名的童話故事中,幸福的王子似乎擁有雕像所渴望的一切。他屹立在城鎮的顯要位置,渾身是金,用寶石裝飾,受到人們的仰慕和尊敬。然而,他決定放棄這一切,把所有的金銀珠寶都送給別人。在一隻小燕子的幫助下,他將自己的財富分給了窮人和需要幫助的人、被遺忘和被拋棄的人,以及饑餓的孩子買麵包吃。這 21 首小品點明了童話故事的各個情節,並增加了音樂和情感的另一個層面。這套曲目適合中級鋼琴學生或成人學習者"

作曲家: Heucke, Stefan
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music
The happy prince in Oscar Wilde’swell-known fairy tale seems to have everything as statue could possibly desire. He stands in a prominent position above the town, is covered in gold, adorned with precious stones and is admired and respected by the people. Nevertheless he decides to give it all up and to give away all his gold and jewels. With the aid of a little swallow he distributes his riches to the poor and needy, the forgotten and abandoned, and to hungry children for buying bread. These 21 short pieces illuminate the various episodes of the fairy tale and add another, musical and emotional, dimension. The setting is intended for intermediate piano students or adult learners.

語言: German
頁數: 48
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790001131322
ISBN: 9783795755881
