
Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li I Am My Beloved's, And My Beloved Is Mine Song of Solomon 6:1-4 獨奏

來自 Hal Leonard
$110TWD - $110TWD
$110TWD - $110TWD

雅歌》(或稱《所羅門之歌》)無疑是《聖經》中音樂性最強的一卷--《詩篇》除外。這是該曲目的又一精品:Ani l'Dodi,以簡單的旋律為背景,配以輔助合唱部分,既通俗易懂,又悅耳動聽。將此曲目編排在逾越節或春季音樂會上,或者婚禮上也未嘗不可

作曲家: Achiya Delouya
樂器: Choral
Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) is beyond a doubt the most musical of all Biblical books – The Psalms notwithstanding. Here is another fine addition to this repertoire: Ani l'Dodi, set to a simple melody with supporting choral parts, is as accessible as it is lovely. Program this for a Passover or Spring concert, or perhaps for a wedding.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 25.515
尺寸(cm): 26.67cm*17.145cm
UPC: 073999914856
