
3 Ballads op. 12 賽伊.法佐 敘事曲 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

法茲爾-薩伊的民謠是浪漫、沉思的鋼琴曲,與文學和傳記有著隱秘的聯繫。第一首專用白鍵演奏的民謠《納茲姆》是為了紀念土耳其著名作家納茲姆-希克邁特(Nâzim Hikmet,1902-63 年)。這位作家受到共產主義思想的啟發(因此在土耳其屢遭迫害和監禁),於 1921 年離開伊斯坦布爾,定居在安納托利亞,以尋求與純樸的人民接觸。第二首民謠的標題 "庫姆魯 "在土耳其語中是鴿子的意思,但在土耳其也是一個流行的女孩名字。Sevenlere Dair 可譯為戀人。在這兩首民謠的標題中,法茲勒-薩伊都提到了東方的民歌傳統: 鴿子之環》。早在 1030 年,伊本-哈茲姆-安達魯西(Ibn Hazm al-andalusi)就在西班牙寫下了《論愛情與戀人》這篇論文,他也被稱為阿拉伯人的奧維德

作曲家: Say, Faz?l
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music

I Nazim - II Kumru - III Sevenlere dair (For Lovers)

Faz?l Say's Ballads are romantic, meditative piano pieces with cryptic literary and biographical associations. The first ballad Nazim, played exclusively on the white keys, is in memory of the well-known Turkish writer Nâzim Hikmet (1902-63). Inspired by the Communist body of thought (and for this reason repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned in Turkey), the writer left Istanbul in 1921 to settle in Anatolia in order to seek contact with simple people. The title of the second ballad Kumru is Turkish for dove, but is also a popular girls' name in Turkey. Sevenlere Dair can be translated as for lovers. In both of these ballad titles, Faz?l Say makes reference to the oriental tradition of the minnesong: The Ring of the Dove. On Love and Lovers is the title of the treatise written as early as 1030 in Spain by Ibn Hazm al-andalusi who is also referred to as the Ovid of the Arabs.
頁數: 16
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790001149471