
2nd Sonata For Piano (piano) 布列茲 奏鳴曲 鋼琴

$2,890TWD - $2,890TWD
$2,890TWD - $2,890TWD

皮埃爾-布列茲創作的《第二鋼琴奏鳴曲》是一首鋼琴曲,分為四個不同的樂章。整首樂曲演奏時間約為 32 分鐘,極具現代感和不和諧感。 - 第一樂章 第一樂章:快速 730 - 第二樂章:慢速 11 慢板 11 - 第三樂章 第三樂章:中速 230 - 第四樂章:快速 11 這首樂曲難度很大,需要良好的樂理知識和專業的鋼琴練習。它是一首真正的無調性樂曲,包括大量的偶然音符、顫音和許多細微差別的變化,大部分樂曲的節奏都很快。 皮埃爾-布列茲是一位法國作曲家,他堅信音樂的進步,並創作了許多現代作品。他曾師從奧利維耶-梅西安(Olivier Messiaen),但形成了截然不同的獨特風格"

作曲家: Pierre Boulez
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Sonata No. 2 For Piano

“Composed by Pierre Boulez, 2nd Sonata for Piano is a piece for Piano in four distinct movements. Really modern and dissonant, this piece, played in its totality, lasts approximatively 32 minutes. - 1st movement: Really fast 730 - 2nd movement: Slow 11 - 3rd movement: Moderate speed 230 - 4th movement: Rapid 11 This piece is difficult and requires a good music theory knowledge and a strong / professional practice of Piano. Really atonal, it includes numerous accidental notes, trills, and many changes in nuances at a rapid tempo for most of the piece. Pierre Boulez was a French composer who believed in the progress of music and who wrote many modern pieces. He studied with Olivier Messiaen, but developed a very different, distinctive style.”
頁數: 48
重量(g): 192.78
UPC: 888680840877