
10 Sonatas from Op. 1, Op. 2, Op. 5 加魯比 奏鳴曲 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

巴爾達薩雷-加盧皮(1706-1785 年)的第一堂音樂課是父親教的,後來成為著名的安東尼奧-洛蒂的學生。他的作品主要包括歌劇和清唱劇,但也創作室內樂作品、大合唱和鋼琴作品。他的作曲技巧在他的時代就已聞名遐邇,同時代的克利斯蒂安-弗裡德里希-丹尼爾-舒巴特(Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart)和查理斯-伯尼(Charles Burney)等人也對他讚譽有加,但如今他卻不得不被歸入被遺忘的作曲家之列。這一新版本收錄了加盧皮生前在紐倫堡和倫敦出版的 9 首大鍵琴奏鳴曲,旨在糾正這一現象"

作曲家: Galuppi, Baldassare
編者: Ruf, Hugo
樂器: piano (harpsichord)
出版社: Schott Music

Sonata I A major - Sonata II C minor - Sonata III B flat major - Sonata IV C major - Sonata V D minor - Sonata VI A minor - Sonata VII D major - Sonata VIII F major - Sonata IX E flat major - Sonata X C major

Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785) received his first music lessons from his father and later became a pupil of the famous Antonio Lotti. His oeuvre first and foremost includes operas and oratorios, but he also wrote chamber music works, cantatas and works for piano. Although well-known in his days and highly acclaimed by his contemporaries, such as Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart and Charles Burney, for his compositional skills, he rather has to be classed among the forgotten composers today. This new edition with 9 of his harpsichord sonatas published in Nuremberg and London during Galuppi's lifetime aims to put things right.
頁數: 84
重量(g): 320
ISMN: 9790001149457
UPC: 841886009653