
Christ Is Born Of Maiden Fair 馬修斯大衛

來自 Faber Music
$150TWD - $150TWD
$150TWD - $150TWD

基督誕生在少女集市》是一首節奏感強而流暢的聖誕合唱作品,將吸引眾多合唱團。大衛-馬修斯(David Matthews)嫺熟地運用調式音效,創造出既有中世紀韻味又不失現代感的音樂。

作曲家: Matthews, David
樂器: Mixed Voices
出版社: Faber Music
Christ is Born of Maiden Fair is a rhythmic yet flowing Christmas choral work that will appeal to a wide range of choirs. David Matthews skilfully manipulates the modal sound-world to create music that hints at the medieval while maintaining an essentially contemporary sound. The Faber Choral Signature Series introduces a wealth of new or recently written choral music to choirs in search of fresh repertoire. The series draws in a rich diversity of contemporary composers and includes both lighter and more challenging contemporary works, offering a thrilling array of varied styles.
語言: English
頁數: 8
重量(g): 20
EAN: 9780571524679