
Brahms 艾得斯

來自 Faber Music
$480TWD - $480TWD
$480TWD - $480TWD

湯瑪斯-阿代斯(Thomas Adès)為男中音和管弦樂隊創作的《勃拉姆斯》(2001 年)改編自阿爾弗雷德-布倫德爾(Alfred Brendel)的詩歌《勃拉姆斯二世》(Brahms II)。阿德斯將這首俏皮而嚴肅的作品形容為 "反懷舊 "之作,他試圖將勃拉姆斯的旋律與和聲技巧(如基於降三度的序列和密集的協奏曲式)發揮到 "合乎邏輯 "的極致。然而,這部作品的基調絕非狹隘的諷刺。相反,勃拉姆斯材料邏輯的局限性被運用得淋漓盡致。在揭示他所認為的勃拉姆斯音樂語言的'殘缺'時,阿第斯本身就創造了一個引人入勝的戲劇縮影,既不失嚴肅,又意味深長

作曲家: Adès, Thomas
樂器: Baritone, Piano
出版社: Faber Music
Thomas Adès’s Brahms for baritone and orchestra (2001) is a setting of Alfred Brendel’s poem ‘Brahms II’ in which the malodorous ghost of Brahms stalks a house and plays the piano late at night. Adès described this playful, but serious, piece as an ‘anti-homage’ and in it he seeks to take Brahms’s melodic and harmonic tics – such as sequences based on descending thirds, and densely contrapuntal textures – to ‘logical’ extremes. The tone of the work is never narrowly sarcastic, however. Instead, the limitations of the logic of Brahms’ material are used to great expressive effect. In revealing what he sees as the ‘disability’ of Brahms’ musical language, Adès creates a compelling dramatic miniature in its own right, at once irreverent and profound.

語言: German
頁數: 16
重量(g): 87
EAN: 9780571522460
