
Children's Crusade 布瑞頓

來自 Faber Music
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

兒童十字軍》是本傑明-布裡頓為兒童聲樂、雙鋼琴、電子管風琴和打擊樂創作的貝托爾德-布萊希特作品,是他最樸素、最令人不安的作品之一。這首 19 分鐘的作品以民謠的形式講述了一群孩子試圖逃離二戰時期波蘭的 "黑夜荒野",尋找和平,但最終在雪地中迷失方向的故事。

作曲家: Britten, Benjamin
樂器: Orchestra, Upper Voices
出版社: Faber Music
Children’s Crusade, a setting of Bertold Brecht for children’s voices, two pianos, electric organ, and percussion, is one of Benjamin Britten’s most austere and unsettling pieces. The 19-minute work takes the form of a ballad telling the story of a group of children trying to flee the ‘wilderness of night’ that was World War II Poland, searching for peace but ultimately becoming lost without trace in the snow. Composed for the 50th anniversary of the Save the Children Fund, Children’s Crusade was completed in January 1969, immediately before two other works preoccupied with war: Who are these Children? and Owen Wingrave. Britten himself referred to this hard-hitting work as a ‘very grisly piece’, and its icy, claustrophobic and violent music offers almost no hope. Originally in English, it also exists in a German translation by Hans Keller.

頁數: 120
重量(g): 426
EAN: 9780571503308
