
Ecce Beatam Lucem

來自 Faber Music
$210TWD - $210TWD
$210TWD - $210TWD

Ecce Beatam Lucem(《看哪,受祝福的光》)與亞曆山德羅-斯特裡吉奧(Alessandro Striggio)的 40 部同名格言採用了相同的文本。在這裡,喬納森-多夫用閃亮的合唱和活潑的管風琴聲部營造了一個令人驚歎的聲音世界,為寬廣的聲樂線條伴奏。這首作品是一首理想的國歌或音樂會作品"

作曲家: Dove, Jonathan
樂器: Organ, Mixed Voices
出版社: Faber Music
Ecce Beatam Lucem (Behold the blessed light) uses the same text as Alessandro Striggio's forty-part motet of the same name. Here, Jonathan Dove cretaes an awesome soundworld with shimmering choral writing and a lively organ part to accompany the broad sweeping vocal lines. This piece is an ideal anthem or concert work. Faber Choral Signature Series introduces a wealth of new or recently written choral music to choirs in search of fresh repertoire. The series draws in a rich diversity of living composers and includes both lighter and more challenging contemporary works, offering a thrilling array of varied styles.

語言: Latin
頁數: 24
重量(g): 57
EAN: 9780571518463

