
Eighty-four Studies, Volume II 克拉莫

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

約翰-巴蒂斯特-克拉默(Johann Baptist Cramer,1771-1858 年)是倫敦著名小提琴家威廉-克拉默(Wilhelm Cramer)的兒子。他師從穆齊奧-克萊門蒂學習鋼琴,享有世界聲譽,尤其受到貝多芬的賞識。兩人都被認為是當時最偉大的鋼琴家,貝多芬在詮釋表現力方面出類拔萃,而克拉默則在純粹的完美技術方面獨樹一幟。本卷收錄了他的 84 首鋼琴研究曲中的第 22 至 42 首技術研究曲

作曲家: Cramer Johann Baptist
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
Johann Baptist Cramer (1771--1858) was the son of Wilhelm Cramer, a famous London violinist. He studied piano under Muzio Clementi and enjoyed a worldwide reputation, particularly appreciated by Beethoven. Both were considered the greatest pianists of their time, Beethoven excelling in interpretive expressiveness, Cramer in pure technical perfection. This volume includes technical studies Nos. 22 through 42 of his 84 Studies for piano.

頁數: 44
重量(g): 175.99383956
UPC: 29156693751
